Honestly answer the following questions. If you answer yes to 8 or more questions it is highly likely that you are suffering from sex addiction.
- Do you feel that your sexual behavior is not normal?
- Do you feel that you don’t want anyone to know about your sexual activities?
- Do you feel you need to hide these activities from others; family, friends, co-workers, counselors’ etc?
- Have you had sex at inappropriate times, in inappropriate places, and/or with inappropriate people?
- When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?
- Are you controlled by your sexual desire?Is life unmanageable because of your excessive sexual needs?
- Have important parts of your life (such as job, family, friends, leisure activities) been neglected because you were spending too much time on sex?
- Has sex been a way for you to escape your problems?
- Have you felt the need to discontinue a certain form of sexual activity?
- Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire?